The kayaking season has gotten off to a good start. We’ve been out three days this week, to our regular haunts: The Connecticut River from Wilder, North Hartland Lake and the Ompompanoosuc River in Norwich.
The birds are flying, perching, singing, nesting and taking care of families.
Adult bald eagle. North Hartland Lake. VT. 5/28/23
Red tail hawk. North Hartland Lake. VT. 5/28/23
Immature bald eagle. North Hartland Lake. VT. 5/28/23
Turkey vulture. Ompompanoosuc River, Norwich, VT 5/30/23
Bobolink. Ompompanoosuc River, Norwich, VT 5/30/23
Red winged blackbird. Ompompanoosuc River. Norwich, VT. 5/30/23
great crested flycatcher Connecticut River Lebanon, NH 5/26/23
Canada goose family. Ompompanoosuc River, Norwich, VT 5/30/23
We have also seen a few mammals: Three deer (two on the Connecticut and one on the Pompy) and a muskrat.
Muskrat. Ompompanoosuc River, Norwich, VT 5/30/23
Deer on the tracks. Connecticut River, Norwich, VT 5/26/23