From my kayak 8/3-7

I’ve been kayaking several time this week, with a few different people. Jane was there most of the times, but also Anne, Barb and Robin and Adam.

Jane on the Ompompanoosuc. 8/5/21
Anne with turtles. North Hartland Lake 8/3/21
Adam. Connecticut River, 8/7/21
Barb and Robin. Squam Lake 8/6/21

We saw eagles in several places as well as other birds, butterflies and berries.

Bald eagle. Squam Lake 8/6/21
Smaller bird attacking an eagle. North Hartland Lake. 8/3/21
Young eagle. Connecticut River 8/7/21
Kingbird. Connecticut River 8/7/21
Solitary sandpiper. Ompompanoosuc River 8/5/21
Phoebe on pickerel weed. North Hartland Lake 8/3/21
Young great blue heron. North Hartland Lake 8/3/21
Mallard ducks. Connecticut River 8/7/21
Monarch on Joe Pye weed. Ompompanoosuc River 8/5/21
Red berries. Ompompanoosuc River 8/5/21