Eshqua Bog 6/29

After this morning’s rain, Jane and I went to Eshqua Bog Natural Area, Hartland, VT, co-owned and managed by The Nature Conservancy of Vermont and The New England Wildflower Society.

Eshqua bog natural area
Eshqua bog natural area

They have built a boardwalk over the bog, making it handicapped accessible.

Jane photographing from the boardwalk.
Jane photographing from the boardwalk.

Hundreds of showy lady slippers were in bloom, a little past peak but still beautiful!

Showy lady slipper
Showy lady slipper

Showy lady slipper
Showy lady slipper

We also saw other bog plants.

White northern bog orchid
White northern bog orchid

Pitcher plant
Pitcher plant
a flower gone to seed and covered with rain drops.
a flower gone to seed and covered with rain drops.

Next year we will have to go earlier so we can see yellow lady slippers.