Eshqua Bog

This morning, Jane and I took our annual pilgrimage to Eshqua Bog in Hartland, VT to see the showy lady slippers and other bog plants.

They were plentiful, almost at peak. After last night’s rain, they still had droplets of water on them.

Water avens

Eshqua Bog 2023

Jane and I made two trips to the Eshqua Bog in Hartland, VT this year: one in early June and the other a few days ago. The bog has many unusual plants, including a couple of types of lady slippers. The yellow ones bloom in early June.

Yellow lady slipper. Eshqua Bog, 6/8/2023

The showy lady slippers bloom in late June.

Showy lady slippers. Eshqua Bog. 6/26/2023
A patch of showy lady slippers. Eshqua Bog. 6/26/2023

We found a white lady slipper among the showy lady slippers, a mutation?

White lady slipper. Eshqua Bog. 6/26/2023

There are other bog flowers present:

Water avens with a bee. Eshqua Bog. 6/8/2023
Butterfly. (Northern Crescent?). Eshqua Bog. 6/25/23

Eshqua Bog 6/14/21

This morning Jane and I took our annual trip to Eshqua Bog in Hartland, VT to see the showy lady slippers. They didn’t disappoint.

Showy lady slipper
A clump of showy lady slippers.
lady slipper bud

There were other bog flowers like water avens, Indian cucumber root, and false hellebore (not shown).

Water avens.
Indian cucumber root

The birds were singing all around us.


Eshqua Bog 6/23/2020

Yesterday we made our annual pilgrimage to the Eshqua Bog, a fen in Hartland, VT. The showy lady slippers were in full bloom.

Showy lady slipper. Eshqua Bog, Hartland, VT 6/23/2020
Showy lady slippers. Eshqua Bog, Hartland, VT 6/23/2020

We also saw other flowers.

Water avens. Eshqua Bog, Hartland, VT 6/23/2020
Bog orchid. Eshqua Bog, Hartland, VT 6/23/2020
Virginia raspberry. Eshqua Bog, Hartland, VT 6/23/2020

Eshqua Bog 6/29/19

Jane and I took our annual pilgrimage to Eshqua Bog in Hartland, VT this morning after a rains to see the showy lady slippers and the other early summer bog flowers. I have never seen as many lady slippers as this year nor as many ferns.