Squam 7/11-19

I went to our family compound on Squam Lake for a week with my sisters and their families.

Nabil, Gene, Ruthe, Scott, and Jain on the porch

On Saturday, the Dave Himot family and Jen Bellows, Wyatt and Aysha arrived.

The next day our cousin, Kate Bowden and family, and Jared Lenz and family came. The Lenz family hadn’t been to Squam for more than 10 years.

When Uri flew east on Wednesday , he sat next to a person who coughed the entire flight. By Saturday evening he wasn’t feeling well, tested positive on a Covid test and went to bed. The boys who were supposed to sleep in his room, ended up sleeping on blow-up mattresses in the dining room. Bil took Uri back to White River Junction on Sunday

Each morning Kate lead a yoga session.

Yoga on the dock

We climbed Mt Rattlesnake one morning.

Another fun activity was a “treasure hunt”. Teams competed against each other, solving clues that lead to the next clue.

Renny celebrated his 80th birthday.

We made tie dye shirts and wore them for a group picture the next day.

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