We have been out eight times in the past two weeks to our usual haunts: North Hartland Lake, Grafton Pond and the Connecticut River near Wilder, VT. We have seen birds:
Great blue heron –North Hartland Lake 8/25/19 Great blue heron –North Hartland Lake 8/18/19 Duck swimming between me and Jane’s kayak. Connecticut River 8/19/19 Ducks –Connecticut River 8/19/19 Wood ducks — Connecticut River8/13/19 Young loon –Grafton Pond 8/20/19 Sandpiper –North Hartland Lake 8/25/19 2 eagles — North Hartland Lake 8/25/19 Bald eagle — North Hartland Lake 8/24/19 Cedar waxwing — Connecticut River 8/26/19
as well as other animals and plants.
Deer drinking –Connecticut River 8/13/19 3 painted turtles –North Hartland Lake 8/25/19 Painted turtle with a peeling shell. North Hartland Lake 8/24/19 Fishing –Grafton Pond 8/20/19 Purple loosestrife with 2 types of bees. North Hartland Lake 8/25/19
Arrowroot — North Hartland Lake 8/18/19 Redosier dogwood– Connecticut River 8/13/19 Log in the fog –Connecticut River 8/26/19 The some falls at the base of Quechee Gorge. –North Hartland Lake 8/25/19