A few November things

The past few days I’ve walked the roads around our house.

There was ice on Wildlife Pond 11/15
There was ice on Wildlife Pond.
Jericho St.
Jericho St.
Across the valley from Jericho St.
Across the valley from Jericho St.
Pumpkins on Wildlife Rd.
Pumpkins on Wildlife Rd.

Backyard birds

I put out the bird feeder this week and already have an assortment of birds.

Blue jay.
Blue jay.

Black capped chickadee
Black capped chickadee
Tufted titmouse
Tufted titmouse


The fog was thick this morning at Kilowatt Park.

Old Wilder dam
Old Wilder dam
Kilowatt in the fog
Kilowatt in the fog

Wood ducks +

We took our last paddle of the season up the Connecticut and into Mink Brook.

Connecticut River
Connecticut River

We found almost as many wood ducks as mallards, along with a cormorant, mergansers, and a chipmunk.

Cormorant and at least 7 wood ducks
Cormorant and at least 7 wood ducks
Mrs and Mr Wood Duck
Mrs and Mr Wood Duck
Mr Wood Duck
Mr Wood Duck
Male flying
Male flying
Mr Wood Duck flying
Mr Wood Duck flying
Wood duck pair
Wood duck pair