Connecticut River, Bradford to Orford

Yesterday, I kayaked the stretch of the Connecticut River from Bradford, VT to Orford, NH with Jane’s family. It was a trip down memory lane for me. My sister, Barb, (and sometimes others) paddled this stretch several times, camping near Piermont, painting several scenes each trip.

Looking toward Piermont, NH
Looking toward Piermont, NH

Approaching the Bradford  bridge
Approaching the Bradford bridge

We had a relaxing paddle,

Russ looking at the waterfall
Russ looking at the waterfall
Averil and her mom
Averil and her mom
Averil and Leslie
Averil and Leslie

did some bird watching,

Cedar waxwing
Cedar waxwing

Turkey vulture
Turkey vulture
Green heron
Green heron
Canada geese
Canada geese

but were very glad to see the Orford bridge.

Approaching the Orford bridge
Approaching the Orford bridge

We ended the trip with a stop for ice-cream in Fairlee.

Russ with an ice-cream cone.
Russ with an ice-cream cone.

Wildlife 6/18-28

We paddled on the Connecticut, Mink Brook and North Hartland Lake during the past couple of weeks. The ducklings are getting older (and there are fewer of them).

Mama wood duck and ducklings --6/18
Mama wood duck and ducklings –6/18

Wood duck and ducklings  6/26
Wood duck and ducklings 6/26
Ducklings 6/23
Ducklings 6/23
Ducklings  --6/18
Ducklings –6/18
Ducklings on log --6/23
Ducklings on log –6/23

We watched a ruffed grouse and her babies for a while.

Ruffed grouse 6/25
Ruffed grouse 6/25

Song Sparrow 6/25
Song Sparrow 6/25

and saw an immature eagle catch and eat a fish.

Immature eagle with fish -- 6/25
Immature eagle with fish — 6/25

Immature eagle eating fish  --6/25
Immature eagle eating fish –6/25
Yellow warbler --6/18
Yellow warbler –6/18
Red winged blackbird male  --6/18
Red winged blackbird male –6/18

Mourning dove --6/18
Mourning dove –6/18

A beaver swam close to my kayak.
Beaver with evening light 6/23
Beaver with evening light 6/23

Beaver splash --6/23
Beaver splash –6/23

Wildlife seen 6/10 to 6/17

During the past week, we have paddled on the Connecticut River, North Hartland Lake and the Ompompanoosuc River and have seen a variety of critters.

Spotted sandpiper
Spotted sandpiper

Mama wood duck guarding her ducklings
Mama wood duck guarding her ducklings
young loon spreading its wings
young loon spreading its wings
A loon with winter plumage on its head and summer plumage on its body.
A loon with winter plumage on its head and summer plumage on its body.
Beaver in the evening light
Beaver in the evening light
Wood turtle
Wood turtle
squirrel on a dock
squirrel on a dock

Eshqua bog

Jane and I have made a couple of trips to Eshqua Bog, Hartland, VT this spring.The first on was on May 27. We had been hoping that the lady’s slippers would be in bloom, but it was too early. We did see other spring flowers.

Marsh marigold, May 27
Marsh marigold, May 27
Soloman's seal, May 27 --Eshqua Bog, Hartland, VT
Soloman’s seal, May 27 –Eshqua Bog, Hartland, VT

Today’s trip was more fruitful. We not only saw two varieties of lady’s slippers,

Yellow lady's slipper
Yellow lady’s slipper
Showy lady's slipper
Showy lady’s slipper

but also other bog flowers.

Water avens
Water avens
Pitcher plant flower
Pitcher plant flower

The dragon flies, butterflies and a hummingbird also put in an appearance.

Dragon fly
Dragon fly
Butterfly on buttercup
Butterfly on buttercup
Ruby throated hummingbird
Ruby throated hummingbird

On the Connecticut

We spent a couple of evenings this week on the Connecticut River between Wilder and Hanover and have finally seen the duckings we hadn’t seen when we paddled earlier in the day.

Wood ducklings with mama
Wood ducklings with mama

Mama mallard on guard
Mama mallard on guard

We saw ducklings of varying ages, some families are new born, others are several weeks old.

Young mallard duckings with mom
Young mallard duckings with mom
Mallard adolescents playing.
Mallard adolescents playing.

The geese flew by.

Canada geese
Canada geese

This mallard male had a funny expression.
