McDaniels Marsh

On Saturday we went to McDaniels Marsh. We saw several great blue herons,

Great blue heron with fish
Great blue heron with fish

Great blue heron taking off
Great blue heron taking off
Great blue heron in tree
Great blue heron in tree


Goose near the pickerel weeds
Goose near the pickerel weeds

a few song birds,


several beaver houses (we heard the beaver splashes, but didn’t see him),

Tall beaver house
Tall beaver house

damselflies and dragonflies,



Painted turtle
Painted turtle

and lots of flowers.

Water lily
Water lily
A small pink flower
A small pink flower
Pickerel weed
Pickerel weed
Horned bladderwort
Horned bladderwort

July 17-22

This week we have paddled a variety of places. On Sunday, we spent the evening on the Connecticut.

Wood ducks on a log
Wood ducks on a log

Mallard preening
Mallard preening
Balloon touching down on the Connecticut.
Balloon touching down on the Connecticut.

Monday found us on the Pompy.

Green heron
Green heron

Joe Pye weed
Joe Pye weed
Mergansers running on water
Mergansers running on water

On Tuesday, we went to North Hartland Lake.

Great blue heron sticking out his tongue at me.
Great blue heron sticking out his tongue at me.

Jane found Elmo along the river.
Jane found Elmo along the river.
Meadow lilies
Meadow lilies
A young spotted sandpiper.
A young spotted sandpiper.
Rough Winged Swallow
Rough Winged Swallow

Wednesday, we took a break from paddling and walked in Kilowatt park.

Cormorant and ducks on a log
Cormorant and ducks on a log


Thursday evening we tried the Connecticut again.




Bottoms up
Bottoms up
Ducklings on a log.
Ducklings on a log.
One merlin giving the other a cold shoulder.
One merlin giving the other a cold shoulder.

A few of my favorites from the past week.

We paddled the Connecticut on a morning and an evening, seeing ducks and beaver.

Ducks in the grass
Ducks in the grass

An evil eye from a duck.
An evil eye from a duck.
Mama mallard and duckling
Mama mallard and duckling
Beaver -- Connecticut River
Beaver — Connecticut River

On the North Hartland Lake this morning, we saw our first great blue heron of the season, a juvenile,

Great blue heron -- North Hartland Lake
Great blue heron — North Hartland Lake

Great blue heron -- North Hartland Lake
Great blue heron — North Hartland Lake

as well as some song birds.

Song sparrow  -- North Hartland Lake.
Song sparrow — North Hartland Lake.
Fog lifting on Jericho St.
Fog lifting on Jericho St.

Grafton Pond

We went to Grafton Pond this morning to watch the loons. They are quite accustomed to people and if you don’t crowd them, they will sometimes emerge from a dive only a few feet from the kayaks.

Adult loon
Adult loon

We saw two families. One set of parents fed their chicks then stood guard while they tried foraging on their own. They often will stretch after diving.

Loon with chick checking out what is below.
Loon with chick checking out what is below.

Adult stretching after diving
Adult stretching after diving
Loon chicks stretching with parent
Loon chicks stretching with parent

On the other side of the lake we came across a parent with one chick. It seemed like the chick was sleepy. It would tuck its head down, the wind would carry away for a couple of minutes, it would wake up and swim back to the adult.

Sleepy baby with parent
Sleepy baby with parent

Grafton Pond is a beautiful place that does not allow motors.

Mt Cardigan
Mt Cardigan

Jane with reflections
Jane with reflections

We didn’t see any geese. The yard that used to have a flock, now has geese deterrents near the waterfront.

Goose deterrent
Goose deterrent

July 6-8

This past week we have paddled on North Hartland Lake and the Connecticut. We saw more mammals than usual: Deer in North Hartland

Deer --North Hartland Lake
Deer –North Hartland Lake

and beaver in both North Hartland Lake and the Connecticut.

Beaver  -- Connecticut River
Beaver — Connecticut River

Beaver  --North Hartland Lake
Beaver –North Hartland Lake
Beaver  --North Hartland Lake
Beaver –North Hartland Lake

We also saw a variety of birds.

Song Sparrow -- North Hartland Lake
Song Sparrow — North Hartland Lake
"Who you lookin' at?"  Connecticut River
“Who you lookin’ at?” Connecticut River
Mama mallard guarding her babies. Connecticut River
Mama mallard guarding her babies. Connecticut River
Mallard duckling -- Connecticut River
Mallard duckling — Connecticut River
Male wood duck in eclipse plumage
Male wood duck in eclipse plumage
Mama Wood Duck and babies
Mama Wood Duck and babies

including some unusual ducks.

Odd ducks
Odd ducks