Back in the kayak 5/23-6/12

After a long winter and a short spring photographing the dogs at Kilowatt, Jane and I put our kayaks in the water. We have been to our usual spots (the Connecticut River out of Wilder, and the Pompy) as well as trips to Upper Baker Pond and MacDaniel’s Marsh. Unfortunately, the North Hartland Lake is still closed from the flooding last July.

Ompompanousuc River 6/12/24

The ducks and geese have little ones.

Canada goose family. McDaniels Marsh, 5/23/24
Canada geese families. Ompompanousuc River 6/1/24
The heron is coming! Mallard family. Connecticut River 6/11/24
People are coming! Wood duck family. Ompompanousuc River 6/5/24
Common merganser family. Ompompanousuc River 6/12/24

We have seen other birds:

and animals.

and flowers.

From my kayak August-September-October

I guess it is past time to post. The kayaks have been put away for the winter, but we did have some fine paddles in the late summer and fall.

From my kayak 7/25-8/1

We have not been out kayaking much this summer thanks to predicted thunder showers, flooding and various appointments. One of our favorite locations, North Hartland Lake, has been closed for the rest of the summer because of the floods in mid July. But we have managed a few outings.

Mt Cardigan. Grafton Pond 8/1/23

Squam Part 2

Kayaking 6/15-7/1

The weather has been iffy, with threats of thunderstorms almost daily, but we did get out in our kayaks a few times, mostly in our usual places but also in Molly’s Pond in Vermont.

Tim, Eric and Rick paddling in the smoke at Molly’s Pond 7/1/23

The birds have babies.

Canada geese with goslings. Ompompanoosuc River, 6/22/23
Wood ducks. Connecticut River 6/29/23
Mama merganser splashing to draw our attention away from her chicks. Connecticut River 6/29/23
Merganser family. Connecticut River 6/29/23
Loon with baby chick. Molly’s Pond 7/1/23
Loon chicks swimming towards us. Molly’s Pond 7/1/23
Eagle eyeing the loon’s nest. Molly’s Pond 7/1/23
Immature eagle taking off. North Hartland Lake 6/20/23

We also saw some other birds and animals.

Great blue heron. Mink Brook 6/15/23
Yellow throat. North Hartland Lake 6/20/23
Yellowthroat. North Hartland Lake 6/20/23
Painted turtle. North Hartland Lake 6/20/23
Mink. Connecticut River 6/15/2023
Mink. Connecticut River 6/15/2023