Hurricane Hill 10/13

We went walking around Wright Reservoir yesterday. They are planning on draining the water because the dam is in poor condition and the town does not have the capital reserves to fix it.

Pump house, Wright Reservoir, Hartford, VT
Pump house, Wright Reservoir, Hartford, VT


The ducks were enjoying the pond and we enjoyed watching them with the fall foliage reflected in the water.

Mallard stretching
Mallard stretching
Wood duck pair
Wood duck pair

Walk on Hurricane Hill

this morning, we walked with the dogs on Hurricane Hill, one of Hartford, VT town parks.

Mallards on Wright’s reservoir
Freya is very cautious with something out of the ordinary.
Freya is very cautious with something out of the ordinary.
After a long walk, Freya likes to cool off.
After a long walk, Freya likes to cool off.