Wilder Walk

Freya and Munchkin
Freya and Munchkin

We walked the dogs in Wilder.

There were geese in the East Wilder, NH landing.

Lame duck on the log.
Lame duck on the log.

Lame duck has a nice safe place to roost on a log in the middle of the river.


Freya and Ellie playing.
Freya and Ellie playing.
Freya had more energy than I’ve seen in a month.

Another Connecticut River Walk

We walked along the River in Wilder this morning. We ran into a flock of mallards feeding.

Mallards feeding
Mallards feeding

The water was lower than usual today, so we walked along the shore where there is usually a foot of water.

Jane and Munchkin along the shore.
Jane and Munchkin along the shore.

Munchkin (Ellie)
Munchkin (Ellie)


Lame duck showing off his bum leg.
Lame duck showing off his bum leg.

The hooded mergansers were plentiful along the Connecticut River this morning.

Hooded mergansers
Hooded mergansers

Hooded mergansers
Hooded mergansers

Walk on Hurricane Hill

this morning, we walked with the dogs on Hurricane Hill, one of Hartford, VT town parks.

Mallards on Wright’s reservoir
Freya is very cautious with something out of the ordinary.
Freya is very cautious with something out of the ordinary.
After a long walk, Freya likes to cool off.
After a long walk, Freya likes to cool off.