More snow

We have had about 15″ of snow in the past couple of days, making walking difficult.
Freya in snow-1924

The snow is deep enough that Freya wants a broken trail to do her duty.
The snow is deep enough that Freya wants a broken trail to do her duty.
The trail to Kilowatt north.
The trail to Kilowatt north.


I’ve enjoyed playing with the panorama function on my iPhone.

It was very pretty along the White River yesterday on the way to work.
It was very pretty along the White River yesterday on the way to work.

Freya and Munchkin watched the ice fishing on Dothan Brook and Jane watched them.
Freya and Munchkin watched the ice fishing on Dothan Brook and Jane watched them.

Snowy day

It snowed today, the first significant snow since the beginning of January.

Snowy day on Jericho St.
Snowy day on Jericho St.
Freya watching the road
Freya watching the road

Snowy morning

We had a couple of inches of snow this morning.

Connecticut River across from East Wilder
Connecticut River across from East Wilder

Connecticut River looking north from Kilowatt North.
Connecticut River looking north from Kilowatt North.
Freya hunting in the old apple tree.
Freya hunting in the old apple tree.