Kayaking 7/5 – 10

On July 1, we had a flooding event. The Wilder dam opened its floodgates,making for unsafe paddling conditions. Above the dam it was either mudflat or strong current filled with floating debris. Finally on Wednesday, the river was back to normal levels so we went out.

A family of ducks. –Connecticut River, Wilder 7/5/17
Wood duck —
Connecticut River, Wilder 7/5/17

The next day, we headed to North Hartland Dam. Here, the water levels had risen about 4 feet, leaving a bath tub ring of mud on the plants around the lake. They were busy dredging the outlet of the dam, trying to get rid of accumulated silt and debris.

Dredging the outlet at the North Hartland Dam –North Hartland Lake, 7/6/17

We saw a number of birds of prey: eagles,

Bald eagle, probably 4 years old. –North Hartland Lake, 7/6/17

a couple of osprey,

Osprey –North Hartland Lake, 7/6/17

a great blue heron

Great blue heron –North Hartland Lake, 7/6/17

as well as a red-winged blackbird.

Red-winged blackbird –North Hartland Lake, 7/6/17

After a ducky day on the Connecticut,

Duck family –Connecticut River 7/8/17

we returned to North Hartland.

Duck family –North Hartland Lake, 7/10/17
Kingfisher –North Hartland Lake, 7/10/17
Kingbird feeding babies—North Hartland Lake, 7/10/17
Great blue heron –North Hartland Lake, 7/10/17
Water lily –North Hartland Lake, 7/10/17
Fishing at the North Hartland Dam –North Hartland Lake, 7/10/17

A week on the water: August 22-28

What we saw this week: night hawks,

Nighthawks migrating --Connecticut River, Wilder,VT 8/24/16
Nighthawks migrating –Connecticut River, Wilder,VT 8/24/16

great blue herons,
Great blue heron -- Ompomanoosuc River 8/27
Great blue heron — Ompomanoosuc River 8/27

Great blue heron flying low -- North Hartland Lake, VT 8/28/16
Great blue heron flying low — North Hartland Lake, VT 8/28/16

Great blue heron fishing -- North Hartland Lake, VT 8/28/16
Great blue heron fishing — North Hartland Lake, VT 8/28/16

Great Blue Heron in tree --North Hartland Lake, VT 8/25/16
Great Blue Heron in tree –North Hartland Lake, VT 8/25/16

green heron,

Green heron --Ompompanoosuc River, VT 8/27/16
Green heron –Ompompanoosuc River, VT 8/27/16


Double crested cormorant --North Hartland Lake, VT 8/28 /16
Double crested cormorant –North Hartland Lake, VT 8/28
Cormorants  -- North Hartland Lake, VT 8/25/16
Cormorants — North Hartland Lake, VT 8/25/16

Double crested cormorants --North Hartland Lake, VT 8/28/16
Double crested cormorants –North Hartland Lake, VT 8/28/16


Wood duck -- Connecticut River, Wilder,VT 8/24/16
Wood duck — Connecticut River, Wilder,VT 8/24/16
Mallards flying --Ompompanoosuc River, 8/27
Mallards flying –Ompompanoosuc River, 8/27/16

Mallard taking off --Ompompanoosus River, 8/27
Mallard taking off –Ompompanoosuc River, 8/27/16

Mallards framed --Ompompanoosus River, 8/27
Mallards framed –Ompompanoosuc River, 8/27/16


Spotted Sandpiper -- North Hartland Lake, VT 8/25/16
Spotted Sandpiper — North Hartland Lake, VT 8/25/16

Solitary sandpiper -- North Hartland Lake, VT 8/28/16
Solitary sandpiper — North Hartland Lake, VT 8/28/16


Loon feeding baby --Grafton Pond, NH 8/23/16
Loon feeding baby –Grafton Pond, NH 8/23/16


Beaver --Connecticut River, Wilder,VT 8/24/16
Beaver –Connecticut River, Wilder,VT 8/24/16

Beaver slapping his tail -- Connecticut River, Wilder,VT 8/24/16
Beaver slapping his tail — Connecticut River, Wilder,VT 8/24/16


Chipmunk --Connecticut River, Wilder,VT 8/24/16
Chipmunk –Connecticut River, Wilder,VT 8/24/16
and some songbirds.
Gold finch --North Hartland Lake, VT 8/25/16
Gold finch –North Hartland Lake, VT 8/25/16

Kingbird in an alder --Ompompanoosus River, 8/27
Kingbird in an alder –Ompompanoosus River, 8/27

July 6-8

This past week we have paddled on North Hartland Lake and the Connecticut. We saw more mammals than usual: Deer in North Hartland

Deer --North Hartland Lake
Deer –North Hartland Lake

and beaver in both North Hartland Lake and the Connecticut.

Beaver  -- Connecticut River
Beaver — Connecticut River

Beaver  --North Hartland Lake
Beaver –North Hartland Lake

Beaver  --North Hartland Lake
Beaver –North Hartland Lake

We also saw a variety of birds.

Song Sparrow -- North Hartland Lake
Song Sparrow — North Hartland Lake

"Who you lookin' at?"  Connecticut River
“Who you lookin’ at?” Connecticut River

Mama mallard guarding her babies. Connecticut River
Mama mallard guarding her babies. Connecticut River

Mallard duckling -- Connecticut River
Mallard duckling — Connecticut River

Male wood duck in eclipse plumage
Male wood duck in eclipse plumage

Mama Wood Duck and babies
Mama Wood Duck and babies

including some unusual ducks.

Odd ducks
Odd ducks

On the Connecticut

We spent a couple of evenings this week on the Connecticut River between Wilder and Hanover and have finally seen the duckings we hadn’t seen when we paddled earlier in the day.

Wood ducklings with mama
Wood ducklings with mama

Mama mallard on guard
Mama mallard on guard

We saw ducklings of varying ages, some families are new born, others are several weeks old.

Young mallard duckings with mom
Young mallard duckings with mom

Mallard adolescents playing.
Mallard adolescents playing.

The geese flew by.

Canada geese
Canada geese

This mallard male had a funny expression.


Hurricane Hill 10/13

We went walking around Wright Reservoir yesterday. They are planning on draining the water because the dam is in poor condition and the town does not have the capital reserves to fix it.

Pump house, Wright Reservoir, Hartford, VT
Pump house, Wright Reservoir, Hartford, VT


The ducks were enjoying the pond and we enjoyed watching them with the fall foliage reflected in the water.


Mallard stretching
Mallard stretching

Wood duck pair
Wood duck pair